For the men's kit, I had:
- Tide pen
- Lint roller
- Band-aids
- Antacids
- Ibuprofen
- Floss
- Safety pins
- Breath mints
- Nail files
- Bobby pins
- Tampons
- Pads/panty liners
It took me maybe ten minutes to assemble these, with a total cost of $20. I got the medicines, lint roller, and baskets from Dollar Tree. The band-aids, safety pins, and ladies products were from my house. Cute nail files from the dollar spot at Target, mints and Tide pens from the grocery (with a coupon), and the floss I begged from my dentist! Ta da!
And hey, if nobody uses these things, I can always keep them in my purse as a "save-a-Bonnie" kit.
Super cute!!!!